This house was originally on offer at over 230,000 Euros. A little expensive for the time of listing but not a lot. The owner then reduced the price over time but always behind the market so it was always just a little expensive for the time. It also got stale. Everyone had seen it, it had been for sale forever and everyone assumed there was something wrong. There wasn't but by the time the owner agreed to ask a realistic, "selling" price it was too late.The market response was "seen it, bored with it, must be something wrong". There was nothing wrong when it went to 100,000 Euros but the recent break in (if you leave any house empty and unsecured for long enough someone will break in) has seen the owner finally wash his hands of it and set a rock bottom, never to be repeated price of 60,000 Euros.So if this is what you want, get in touch.
Another property that is troubling me is Hedge Row Why hasn't it sold? I do not know why! It's a good house, great price, convenient location and ready to go. Surely people aren't being put off by a green pool? All comments and suggestions welcome! I really need help or an offer here.
Finally I should be in hospital next week for a hip replacement (my third - no jokes) so if I am a little slow replying to emails please bear with me.
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