Saturday 21 July 2012

Is the Grass Greener

A lot of people move to a new country thinking that the problems in their lives will simply disappear, that a change of scene and a fresh start will somehow make your life better. I’m sorry to say that this won’t necessarily happen. If you didn’t like your wife and husband in your own country, you aren’t going to like them better somewhere new!

 The reality is that whilst moving or even buying a holiday home is a wonderful experience and for most people a huge amount of fun it can be stressful. In a new country everything is different; that’s the appeal but also the stress. A new language, new laws, new ways of doing things. Even the most mundane tasks take much, much longer than “at home”. When I first moved to Spain every time I paid a bill, got a document from the town hall or even changed a gas bottle seemed like a major victory. Personally I got enormous pleasure from finding my way into this new life but there is no denying that at times when things had to be done urgently it was difficult!

 It also has to be said that not everything in your new home will be done better than in your old one. It’s best not to get hung up on this. Forget “better or worse” and think “different”! For my part I never understood the siesta in Spain. Sure in August the middle of the day is hot, but what about the rest of the year? I’m an Englishman born and raised and I will never be able to have a siesta BUT I support it’s continuance 100%! Why? Because it’s part of the Spanish way of life. I moved to Spain to enjoy that way of life. I loved how relaxed people are, how they have time to chat (even from their car window with a queue behind), how people and family matter and how generally unhurried the pace of life is. If that means I have to accept the siesta then so be it!  You can’t have it both ways; streamlined super efficiency, extended office and shop opening hours and a go getting entrepreneurial drive doesn’t go with a relaxed, laid back lifestyle! So next time your shopping trip is brought to a sudden halt when the shops stop for that extended lunch break and siesta, don’t get angry or frustrated – go for lunch!

 So the moral is that you should see any move abroad as a challenge and an adventure, not a panacea. It won’t make your problems go away but could give you a lot of pleasure, fun and satisfaction!

 One way you can however reduce stress and pressure is of course to buy your new home using our services! We will be pleased to see you over the hurdles and across the finish line (well the Olympics are starting soon) with all the support you need from our team.  

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+598 424 80 563
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